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Goldstone Gazette

Our intrepid reporter has been recording the mulitude of events taking place across the school. Have a look at our half-termly newsletter here! 

Gazette 1

News and Events from across the school.....

Our wonderful families managed to raise an incredible £705 for Children In Need. We are sure you'll agree, Pudsey looks cointastic!

November 22

naked pudsey
Pudsey 2
Pudsey full

YR4 visit to Brighton Museum

4S Photo montage

The Year 4 children went on a school trip to the Brighton Museum to learn all about mummification. They got stuck in, and had a lot of fun. 

They learnt that the brain was pulled out through the nose; that the organs were placed in canopic jars, and which animal looked after which organ!!

They learnt that the heart was weighed against Ma'at's feather to see if the dead person could travel to the afterlife. If they had been bad, they would be eaten by Anubis' pet. 

Then the body was blessed by Benji's mum; The High Priestess!

September 22

Y4 Mummification Workshop

Y2 Get Planting in the Living Classroom!

Year 2 have been learning outdoors already! The children worked hard with Ruth our gardener to plant bulbs in the Living Classroom. 

The children worked alongside her to plant their own bulbs which they will now monitor and watch grow throughout the year. This is a great opportunity to start thinking about our science work about plants and animals that we will explore further in the spring and summer terms. We have a lot to look forward to!

October 22

Black History Month 2022


Since its inception in the United States of America in 1970 BHM has always been controversial. The original organisers wanted to redress the balance in American schools where very little was taught about the essential contribution that African Americans had made to the U.S.A and their central place in its history. However straight away there were many who felt that reducing “Black” history to one month was insulting and reductive and risked over simplifying complex relationships and personalities.

In 1987, the first British BHM was celebrated in London. Since the death of George Floyd there has been a renewed interest in BHM and many organisations are keen to participate in this celebration of contributions to British history from the African and Asian diaspora.

However, the event remains controversial: does the term “Black” include those outside the African diaspora? How do we celebrate the contributions made to UK history when so many of those who contributed their labour and activism lived in British colonies far from the British mainland?

Here at Goldstone we are on an anti-racist education journey. This means we want to recognise and celebrate the history of all peoples of colour: those who have been in the UK for generations, those recently arrived and those who never set foot here but were an integral part of our history through the empire, colonisation and the commonwealth.

While we want the contributions and lives of People of Colour to be integral to our curriculum this takes time. So, while we make changes and implement our strategy to diversify the perspectives from which we teach, we will continue to mark BHM as a whole school during the month of October.

This year the theme for the whole country is Time for Change: action not words and in this spirit we will be taking the opportunity to run staff anti-racism training and creating opportunities for staff to develop their knowledge and day to day practice with anti-racism in mind.

In our assemblies will also be looking at three renowned musicians of colour who have made significant contributions to the music of their home cultures and who hold an important place in the cultural lives of communities in the UK and abroad.

Our school theme is The sound of Home. Our inspiration has come from the book Musical Truth by Jeffrey Boakye, a collection of 28 songs that map the cultural life of the African and Caribbean community Jeffrey grew up with. It’s a great book and it is lots of fun to listen to the songs from the earlier sections and take a trip down memory lane. Please do have a look and a listen and share with your children and families. NOTE some of the songs from 2000 onwards contain explicit references and adult language and should not be played to children.

If you have any questions or suggestions please do get in touch.

Author Visit - Nadia Shireen


On the 28th September Year 2, 3 and 4 were lucky enough to have a visit from Nadia Shireen who wrote the Grimwood Stories. Nadia introduced the children to the different characters in the Grimwood series and we even got to do a draw along of Eric Dynamite the Journalist Woodlouse. The children were laughing their socks off and engaged with Nadia's fun and joy of writing. We then got to have a question and answer session with Nadia, who was very impressed by the ideas the children had. Lots of families bought a copy of the books after school.

September 22

Y6 Enjoy a Visit from the Vikings & Anglo-Saxons

Can I explore Viking and Anglo-Saxon life using a range of artefacts?

YR6 Montage

Using a range of artefacts and from demonstrations, we were able to:

  • Order events on a timeline and understand where the Anglo-Saxons and Viking periods were
  • Identify differences between Viking and Anglo-Saxon life
  • Understand how and why the Vikings used different materials to make things like clothing and weapons.

Here are some snippets of the sorts of things going on in our school!

Children's parade

Dress Down for Ukraine

On Friday 11th March the whole school took part in a Dress Down in support of the Ukranian people, and the Red Cross Appeal for Ukraine.

Some children chose to wear yellow and blue to represent the Ukranian flag, and with a suggested donation of a £1.00, the total amount raised on the day was a staggering £1565.00!

As always the kindness and generosity of our children and parents/carers has amazed us and made us proud. 

March 2022


Lemonade & Cake Sale!

In addition to the dress down day, a small group of Year 5 children decided to hold a lemonade and cake sale! With the help of their parents/carers, Zain, Aneurin, Rudy, Franc, Blakely, Josh, Dylan & Will produced an amazing selection of cupcakes, biscuits, welshcakes and lemonade. Despite the inclement weather, with torrential rain making them have to host the sale in the school reception, they raised an impressive £405.00 to add to the £1565.00 raised by the DressDown Day! Well done boys, you have made Goldstone proud. 

March 2022




The Copper Monsters Coin it in!

The start of the Autumn term saw the school being overtaken by a gaggle of ghoulish creatures, much to the surprise and horror of the grownups! What were there monstrosities with their scary teeth, googly eyes and garish adornments, they cried? Copper Monsters, came the surprising reply!

An ingenius idea cooked up by FrOGS, a Copper Monster, it turns out, is a large decorated jar, designed for the collection of, you guessed it, copper!! (By copper, we of course mean the coin kind, not the teapot kind!) Each class received a monster, and the children were asked to try and fill them using 'spare' copper change from home. 

As the monsters filled up, the FrOGS took the change to get it counted, with the running total a staggering £275!! The monsters are now back in their natural habitats - the classrooms - eating up more of their chosen treats, with the added incentive that the class who collect the most, receive an extra afternoon of Golden Time before the end of term.

It really does go to show that every penny counts!

Its a Bugs life at the 5* Bug Hotel

A group of keen eco warriors from Year 4 recently spent the afternoon creating a bug hotel with the help of Ruth the gardener.

A scientific review from 2021 had looked at 75 different studies covering a range of insect groups from around the globe, and the results were both startling and alarming. It revealed that over 40% of all insects are declining, and a third are endangered. The data suggests that the rate of decline is at least 2.5% per year.

"So we built them a 5* hotel as they deserve a little “me time” 🤣", explains Ruth.



They used a selection of found materials, including card, old pots, straw and twigs to create new habitats for wildlife. They counted how many bugs and creatures were found at the site of the hotel - which included a few ants, a worm and a wood louse. They plan to return in a couple of weeks to see how many more creepy crawlies have moved in and made themselves comfortable in their new luxury habitat. 

June 21

Bedding down in the Goldstone Garden!

Since returning to school in the Spring, it seems like the gardeners have barely slept....... which is perhaps why Ruth and her team of green-fingered helpers decided to up-cycle a double bed, and turn it into a flower bed….!! You certainly can't accuse these lot of sleeping on the job. Sweet dreams - or should that be sweet peas?!

(For more information on the Goldstone Garden see the 'Goldstone Garden' pages)

June 2021

Year 3 Become Paleontologists for the Day!

January 2022

Year 3 trip to Butser Ancient Farm