Sustainability at Goldstone
A focus on sustainability is helping pupils reflect on environmental issues in an informed way. Ofsted July 2023

Our City, Our World school mission statement
We strive for our school to be a happy and sustainable place for the Goldstone community, committing to providing a broad education encompassing green values in a safe, inclusive and supportive environment.
We teach our children positive life skills and we encourage them to become confident, resilient, creative thinkers who are ready for our changing world.
By educating our children and building their relationship with the natural environment we will inspire them to become change makers.
Our children are the future.
We have a strategy group that is overseeing how we can make Goldstone a more sustainable school across all areas- from our curriculum to our organisational practices and procurement. Please email to get involved.
We are asking families to be a part of the project. You will be receiving pings about pledges you can make at home that will have a big impact on our local environment, collectively we have the potential to make big changes!
Click here for further information.
Goldstone's ECO committee
We have a lively and active child led ECO COMMITTEE at the school who are responsible for running lots of campaigns and projects.
So far this year we have made signs for the new wildflower and bulb area at the front of the school, made a recycling bin for the milk bottles the children have in ks1 and worked on a campaign for saving water across the school and community.
Watch this space for more to come!
Click here to read some of the key objectives of our Eco Committee, with thanks to Zara H. for putting this together.
'Our City Our World' Gold Award Winners!

We are amongst the first schools to be the proud recipients of the Our City Our World Gold Award, the highest level of award.
The judges commented - "Its always so inspiring to hear what’s going on at Goldstone. Thanks for all the effort and expertise you add to the programme."
Goldstone is proud to be a green flag school!

Goldstone are thrilled to have been an awarded a distinction for their green flag renewal, the highest level of award. We are also really pleased with the feedback given to us by the eco schools assessors:
Your Eco-Committee was elected democratically, which is a fair and mature approach – well done to selected members on their appointment! It’s brilliant that your Y6 committee members were given responsibility for recording meeting minutes. This will allow them to take ownership over the Eco-Schools programme and develop their listening, communication and teamwork skills. Terrific work! We’re pleased that carrying out your Environmental Review helped your committee to take stock of both its progress and areas for future action, whilst highlighting the fantastic work that your school had already done to improve your school grounds. What really stood out here is how you invited input into your review from various school stakeholders, such as teachers and your Art Coordinator and Premises Manager. This demonstrates a cooperative mindset and will help to engage others in your Eco-Schools work. The projects outlined in your Action Plan, such as litter-picks and school-wide competitions, demonstrate your Eco-Committee’s inclusive approach in carefully considering how it can involve the whole school in its planned Eco-Schools’ activities. Hats off to you all for tackling areas where you scored lowest in the Environmental Review, which is testament to a confident and ambitious Eco-Committee!
It’s clear that you have embedded environmental topics into your curriculum with great enthusiasm and these issues are being used to enrich learning in your school, whilst engaging your pupils in important issues, such single-use plastics and their impact on marine habitats. We love how you are using your outdoor spaces and resources, such as your Forest School, as vehicles to engage your young people with the natural world, whilst teaching them how to look after both themselves and the environment through creative play. Your Eco-Committee has made diligent and consistent efforts to keep both the school and wider community up-to-date on its progress and achievements using myriad verbal and digital methods. We were equally impressed with the extent of your involvement with numerous individuals and organisations, relying on their expertise and passion to enrich and inform your Eco-Schools journey. No doubt this was a mutually beneficial experience for all, as these individuals and organisations must have also been inspired by your dedicated Eco-Committee.
Everyone involved should take great pride in the wonderful parent quote – you have gone above and beyond to unite pupils, family, staff and the wider community to a common cause and have given your young people a platform for tackling issues that they are passionate about. It has been an absolute pleasure to read through your application. You are a wonderful ambassador for the Eco-Schools programme and we are delighted to award you an Eco-Schools Green Flag with Distinction – congratulations!
'Running out of Time' relay race makes it all the way to Goldstone!
On Tuesday we were very excited to welcome the Running Our of Time Relay to Goldstone. The relay has been running for a month, starting at Ben Nevis and weaving its way through the UK to finish at Big Ben on July 4th. It is promoting a message about the dangers of climate change and galvanising communities to take action. Eight of our students from years 5 and 6 ran the previous leg with Mr Henderson and some Goldstone parents to arrive at Goldstone to a huge welcome from Year 2. They then ran a relay around the field with our Eco Committee and members of the Squeaky Green shop. The relay runners went on to host an assembly for Years 2 to 5. Footage of the relay at Goldstone can be found on their website, including Elena from Year 6 talking about the importance of looking after nature.
Year 2 have their sustainability art work displayed at The Phoenix Art gallery
This summer term, our year 2 children and families were very proud as their beautiful art work was displayed in the Phoenix Art gallery in the centre of Brighton. The collages, drawings on bunting and clay models were made in response to a series of ‘Philosophy for Children’ sessions that the children participated in this term. These lessons, which were lead by PHD student Fliss Bull, gave them the opportunity to explore their responses to nature. Year 2 teachers joined Goldstone families for the private view and many others visited the exhibition over the weekend as well as participating in workshops with Fliss. If you haven't had a chance to view the art work yet, we plan to display it in the autumn term in our very own Goldstone Gallery!
This term's sustainability focus is....ENERGY!
This term our sustainability focus is energy. The children are learning all about sustainable forms of energy, why fossil fuels are bad and how to save energy at home.
The eco committee have been busy helping our school to save energy. As well as photographing themselves showing how to save energy around Goldstone, they have been labelling switches with red, amber and green signs. If a switch is labelled green anyone can turn it off, amber only adults can and red it has to stay on.
Later on in the term the whole school participated in a competition to design a sustainable school, hoping to win £1,500 to help make our school more energy efficient. See below for some of our fantastic entries!
We also invited Goldstone families to send in photographs of themselves saving energy at home. Once again, see below for some great energy saving ideas!
Goldstone gets involved with the Kidical Mass bike ride
Years 1 and 4 participated in workshops to create art work for the Kidical Mass bike ride taking place in Brighton on Sunday 28th April.
The children's artwork will be turned into flags to attach to participants' bikes on the day.
Kidical Mass is a worldwide movement that invites participants united by the vision that children and young people should be able to move around safely and independently on foot and by bike.
'Just One Tree Day' turns the whole school green!
Every October, the whole school turns green for the day in order to raise funds for ‘Just one tree’ – an organization dedicated to tackling climate change by planting a single tree for every £1 donated. We are now a 'Planet hero School' and to date the 'Goldstone forest' comprises of 3,016 trees!!! 😍 For further information please go to |
Goldstone 'Squeaky Green' Refill Shop
Goldstone Squeaky Green is an eco-refill shop set up to help our community access affordable, ecologically friendly household essentials whilst also reducing the plastic wastage we create from these products. The shop was set up under the Pupils Profit program and we are lucky to be one of just four flagship schools taking part in this venture. The shop itself is run by the pupils, who manage everything including liaising with the community, purchasing products, managing finances and, of course, running the shop themselves. The shop runs on the last Friday of each month and as the shop's revenue grows more products will become available.
Click here to see further information on the Brighton and Hove City Council website.
Year 4 and 5 help monitor air quality around our school
This term we have already had a visit from Paul Turner from Sustrand who spent a day with years 4 and 5 anaysing lichen around the school grounds to find out about air quality around our school. He has also put up a number of air quality tubes around the school which will help determine how poor the air quality is near the road, the results of which we should have by the end of November.
'No mow May' supports biodiversity in our own gardens!
As part of the Our City, Our World project Goldstone is participating in No Mow May - you may have noticed the grass and wildflowers growing tall around the stone at the front of the school.
This week we had a visit from some Brighton University Ecology students to survey our No Mow May patch . The students counted the number and noted the species of plants and wildlife in our patch. They plan to return in June to resurvey again to compare how much more biodiverse the space has become, we will share the results in the newsletter.
We have invited the whole school community- staff and families- to join in with No Mow May this year. Please send your photographs of your No Mow May space to I will create a photo page of our No Mow May spaces for the website and make a calculation of how much space our school community have given to wildlife over the month of May.
Let's make a change for the better together!

Goldstone helps to protect biodiversity in the rainforest
Thanks to the generous donation of many of our families, we are proud to announce that Goldstone now sponsors 5 acres of rainforest in Ecuador, South America.. This area is located within the Tropical Andes biodiversity hotspot, one of the most biologically diverse area of land on planet Earth. It contains hundreds of species of tree and is home to many amazing and threatened species. These include the spectacled bear, puma and ocelot, as well as recently discovered species such as the unusually named 'confusing rocket frog' and the olinguito, a member of the racoon family.
The ECO Comittee get a visit from the World Wildlife Foundation!
This week of 20th-26th September is Green Week, which is all about raising awareness around green issues and particularly the COP26 (The UN conference for world leaders about climate change). Goldstone eco committee were very excited to have WWF visit them and run a workshop about climate change. They learnt all about how children can be empowered to make a change and have influence on those making big decisions.
They each made a leaf saying a promise they have made in order to affect climate change and something they want a world leader to do. Excitingly, our leaves will be put on a WWF tree at COP26 where they may be read by the likes of Boris Johnson or Joe Biden! Our eco committee were really inspired so watch this space for campaigns and ideas!
In June this year Goldstone Primary School was thrilled to pass their Eco Schools assessment and be awarded the green flag for a second time. This means that we are officially a green flag school until summer 2023 when we will be assessed again.
Many congratulations to the eco committee for all of their hard work that has won them this recognition!
September 2021
Heads conference
Children from Goldstone school have been asked to make a contribution to a heads' conference in Brighton and Hove taking place in March 2021. They have been filmed talking about what their vision is for a sustainable/ eco school of the future.
Year 6 clear up the pond!
Here are some pictures of Year 6 children helping to pull up a felled tree from the pond area. We're tidying up the space so it can be used by everyone in the school as one of our eco objectives in the garden. The tadpoles seemed non-plussed by the excitement, but we are sure that the FrOGS, who help fund our wonderful school gardener Ruth, will be hopping about with excitement! A special mention also goes to Ruth's Dad Simon, who as a volunteer, has donated hours of his time and expertise to the garden with Ruth this term - it's fantastic to have you on board Simon!
May 2021
Litter Picking Made Fun!
The eco committee have been doing regular litter picks around the school grounds. They have made an inventory of the litter they found in one lunchtime and created an owl out of litter to raise children's awareness of how much litter is dropped!
Who drops Litter? A Twit-Twoo!
June 2021