World Book Day
This year, World Book Day looks to be a very different celebration than previous years. We are in contact with The Book Nook, who we work very closely with, to get authors into school and the World Book Day charity is working hard to support schools celebrate reading as much as possible. We will continue to update you and have a whole school virtual World Book Day celebration.
The picture below links to the World Book Day website. We have sent out the virtual book vouchers via PING. If you cannot access it, we will also have paper copies for those children who are in school. The vouchers will be able to be used from the 18th of February and at present, there is no end date. The vouchers can only be used in a shop and not online.

This is the virtual book token that is valid from Thursday 18th Feb to Sunday 28th March. Please check that the shop you would like to use the voucher in is currently accepting them and will honour the voucher.

Each year group will be doing activities every day based on World Book Week. We are lucky enough to have joined up with the Bournville BookFest which have 2 activities each day with an author or illustrator. Your child's class teacher will let you know which activities you can join in with. We will also be using resources from the World Book Day charity (which actually works throughout the year) throughout the week and each year group has 2 authors that they will be adopting and learning about through the week.

The Masked Reader

The Masked Singer is taking over Goldstone Primary! But instead of singing, we will have adults from across the school reading a book in disguise! Your job is to find out who is who! The videos can all be found on the Masked Reader tab on the Reading is Power community! Good Luck! The disguised readers will be revealed on Friday 5th March!
World Book Day Badges

I bought my badges, but YOU can earn yours! Use this pack to work your way towards one of the World Book Day Badges! Different ages will need to do different challenges, but all of the information is here in the pack! Enjoy! We can't wait to see how many people earn a badge!