Nursery Ideas
Weather - Little Owls
Weather walk - Wellies on! Coats on! – splash in puddles and use an umbrella when it’s raining. Go for a walk and talk about what you can see and hear. Find a comfy spot to relax and look up at the sky. What are the clouds doing?
Catch the rain – on a rainy day put a container outside and then see how much rain is collected. Is it the same each day? Can you make leaf boats to float in the rain you have collected?
Imaginary play - Put out a tray with sieves or colanders and a watering can or jug. Add a few plastic animals or characters and building bricks and make it rain. Watch what happens. Can you add anything to make a shelter for the animals? How can you keep them dry?
Rhyme - try the rhyme Rain, Rain, Go Away together.
Weather forecast - Go outside and look at the weather each day – help your little one with the weather vocabulary – cold, hot, sun, rain, snow, cloud, rainbow, wind, ice etc.
Look at the weather forecast App on an adult’s phone or on the TV.
Make a plastic bag kite and use it on a windy day.
Watch JoJo & Gran Gran Series 1 - Spring: 3. It's Time to Check the Weather Forecast
Watch Nelly and Nora have weather adventures:
Rainy Weather
Watch Nelly and Nora enjoying the wet rainy weather.
Windy Weather
Watch Nelly and Nora having fun outside in the wind.
Cold Adventures
Watch Nelly and Nora wrap up and have fun in the cold weather.
Nelly and Nora's Sunny Adventures
Get ready for a brand new series coming to CBeebies this summer. Nelly and Nora love playing in the sunshine!

Little Owls ideas for Spring.
Spring is nearly here! Here are some simple ways to enjoy the outdoors and celebrate spring:
Play in the rain.
Put on your rain clothes and play in puddles! See who can make the biggest splash. Make mud pies—don't be afraid to get dirty! Collect rain in different containers and listen to the sounds of raindrops as they hit a metal, plastic or glass container. Float a boat made out of recycled items, paper or twigs and leaves.
Catch the wind.
Create a windsock, kite or pinwheel and learn all about the wind. As you're crafting, ask questions: Can you see the wind on a windy day? How do you know it's there? What did it sound like? What did it feel like?
Go on a walk or bike ride.
Observe the natural world as you make your way through the woods or park.
- Senses walk: Use all of your senses to experience spring. Smell the flowers or grass. Listen to birds chirping. Feel the smoothness or roughness of a rock.
- Shape scavenger hunt: Look closely and you'll find shapes all around you. Bonus points for spotting 3D shapes such as a cube, cylinder or sphere.
- Colour walk: Find items for every colour in the rainbow
- ABC walk: Look for items that start with each letter of the alphabet.
- Learn about trees: Identify trees by their leaves, bark, seeds and branches.
- Night-time walk: Listen for nocturnal creatures such as bats and owls.
- Make a masterpiece: Collect items on your walk to create art. Paint sticks or rocks, press flowers, make sun prints, or mix some flower potion.
Plant a garden.
Connect your child with the wonder of nature by showing them that a tiny seed can grow into a plant. Keep this simple by planting a herb garden or planting in containers. You can also choose plants to create a garden that attracts specific animals such as a bird or butterfly garden.
Watch for wildlife.
Make a bird feeder and go bird watching. Look under a rock or log for mini beasts. Spy a spider weaving its web. Watch squirrels playing atop trees. Search for animal tracks.
Look to the skies.
Lie down and watch clouds. Let your imaginations run wild as you spot shapes in the clouds. Maybe let your child stay up past bedtime to count the stars.
Go on a picnic.
Spring is the perfect time for a picnic — there are no wasps or flies yet! Bring a blanket and some delicious sandwiches or snacks. Turn it into a booknic by bringing along books.
Have fun!!