School Council
The school council is a group of students from year 1 all the way up to year 6. Once every half term, meetings are held to allow the children to voice their opinions and discuss ways in which they can improve the school for everyone. One of the Inclusion Mentors sits in on the meetings: Clare Packham, Samantha Johnston or Vivien Gammon.
Representatives from each class are voted for by their peers and two children are elected, a boy, a girl and a reserve. School Council lead positions are from Year 6. This year our leads are as follows: Chair - George J., Vice-Chair - Poppy D, Sustainability leads - Preston S-N and Ava Mae M. The school votes for their choice after the candidates have presented their ideas in an assembly.
After each meeting the School Council Leads meet with Miss Gibbs to discuss the suggestions and ways of fulfilling them.
The children enjoy the responsibility of representing their peers and are able to see some of their ideas being fulfilled and their voices being heard, knowing they can make a difference.
Below is a list of just some of the changes that the School Council have initiated and contributed to in the past in order to make our school a happier and healthier place to be:
- Eco Garden
- Tuck shop
- Sponsored walk
- Summer fairs
- Charity Events
- Football cages/ extensions for playground
- Book week, Arts week, healthy picnic day, etc.
- In-class cloakrooms
Since September 2022, the School Council have:
- Helped to raised over £1,400 for Children in Need by covering a Giant Pudsey in coins and constructing incredible 'coin towers'
- Come up with ideas to enhance the new library, including art for the walls, cushions and comics.
- Voted on a reward for the team who have the most Team Points and decided on a non-uniform day, once every half term.
- Helped to raise over £350 as part of a 'Super Hero Day' with all money raised going to our chosen charity Chestnut Tree House.
Future projects include the promotion of the school’s priorities - including anti-racism and ways to become a more sustainable school - and ways to maintain our new costume lending library.
Our school councillors have their say on school dinners
Our School Council, made up of two representatives of each class from Year 1 to Year 6, had the opportunity to share their thoughts on everything school dinner related. They met with Daniela Spurio, a manager for Caterlink, the company responsible for planning, preparing and delivering our lunchtime meals here at Goldstone. The discussion was very ably led by Emily, our chairperson, who managed to ask a wide variety of questions ranging from how sustainable the ingredients are for our current school meals to whether we could have a greater choice of puddings, including different flavours of jelly and vegan ice cream. Many thanks to all our school councillors for attending and to Daniela for taking the time to meet with them. An additional thank you also goes to Mrs Johnston, Mrs Gammon and Mrs Packham for, as always, arranging our half-termly meetings and ensuring every class is represented on the day.

Children in Need Day 2023
During this year's fund-raising for Children in Need, the whole school rattled with the sound of loose change, as children brought in literally thousands of coins in their attempt to create the largest structure possible. The building of 'coin towers' - an idea put forward by the children who make up our School Council - kept many of our children (and grown-ups) busy throughout the day, leading to some very tall and creatively designed constructions. Many thanks to everyone who donated to this year's event. As always, the generosity of our families really blew us away, helping to raise a whopping £733 towards the nationwide total of £33.5 million!
Superhero Day 2023
It was Goldstone’s chance to dress up on Friday 19th May when we held our annual ‘Superhero Day’. This year, the event, which managed to raise around £350, was held in order to raise money for Chestnut Tree House This local children’s hospice charity, which was nominated by our school council, continues to do invaluable work in supporting children, young people and their families. The day was also a fantastic opportunity for our children to celebrate their favorite heroes. Whilst many opted for the traditional superheroes from comic books and movies - Spiderman seemed particularly popular this year - some also came dressed to show their appreciation of our many ‘everyday’ heroes including those who work for the NHS and the police force. For the first time, families were also able to access a wide range of costumes from our lending library which is now up and running! |
Children in Need Day 2022
For this year’s ‘Children in Need’ day we celebrated the theme of ‘Small change can lead to BIG changes!’ by attempting to cover a life size Pudsey Bear in small value coins, a fantastic idea suggested by our School Council. As always, we were blown away by the generosity of our Goldstone families – we managed to cover him with quite a few pounds and pence to spare, raising a whopping £705 in the process!