World Book Day 2022

World Book Day is 25 years old this year, and so, with this in mind, we have chosen to celebrate reading, in an extra special way, every day for the week Monday 28th February - Friday 4th March.
Each class will be taking part in an activity of 30 minutes - 1 hour every day to celebrate the wonder and magic of reading. Some year groups will be taking part in D.E.A.R - Drop Everything And Read throughout the week. Others are participating in quizzes, scavenger hunts in books and huge amounts more.
We will then have a day of celebration on Thursday 3rd March where we will don our book character costumes and have a day when we tell everyone about our favourite books and why we enjoy them so much.
We are really looking forward to having huge amounts of fun!

If you are stuck for ideas, the World Book Day website have lots of ideas (the picture links to the dressing up tab on the website) to help you with your DIY costumes. We are also running a costume headband making workshop in 3A on Tuesday 1st March (please let us know that you are attending by filling out the form that was sent out via PING.

MC Grammar has written another fantastic song for World Book day and the picture above will link and take you to YouTube to watch it. If you would prefer a safe link (without adverts or the YouTube algorithm taking you on to another video that thinks you would like) then the safe link is