Accessibility Plan
The School’s Context
Goldstone Primary school is a mainstream school for boys and girls age range 4 years to 11 years old. The school offers Nursery provision for children the term after they turn three years old. The school comprises of one school building. There is disability access for all classrooms (a lift is provided to access the lower ground floor, first and second floor) and main areas of the school.
The School’s Aims
- To be at the heart of our locality by working in partnership with families and the wider community
- To be a learning community which fosters creativity, independence and a passion for learning.
- To enable our children to develop the essential skills for a happy and fulfilled life.
- To deliver first quality teaching, with high expectations for all, that enables children to succeed and achieve their potential.
- To provide a nurturing and stimulating environment that supports and celebrates learning
- For all members of the school community to model positive, respectful relationships.
We are working within a national framework for educational inclusion provided by:
- Inclusive School (DfES 0774/2001)
- SEN & Disability Act 2001
- The SEN Revised Code of Practice 2014
- The Disability Discrimination Act (amended for school 2001)
- Code of Practice for Schools (Disability Rights Commission)
Our Aims are to provide:
- Full access to the curriculum
- Full access to the physical environment
- Full access to information
Anti-Bullying Policy
Behaviour and Anti Bullying Policy Pupil Version (Unacceptable Behaviour Policy)
At Goldstone we try to be a place where everyone is made to feel welcome and comfortable and where we will treat everyone with care and respect.
We want Goldstone to be a community where learning and personal development take place with trust and confidence.
We believe that everyone in our community has a right to work and learn in a safe and happy environment and that bullying can make people feel unsafe and unhappy and is unacceptable.
We value the special part everyone plays in the Goldstone community.
To view our Anti-Bullying Policy, please click here.
Attendance Policy
Goldstone Primary School believes that regular school attendance is essential in enabling pupils to achieve their full potential.
Our objective is to:
- Ensure parents/carers follow the framework set out in section 7 of the Education Act 1996, which states that the parent/carer of every child of compulsory school age, shall cause them to receive efficient full-time education suitable to their age, ability and aptitude, and to any SEND they may have, either by regular attendance at school or otherwise.
- Promoting and modelling good attendance behaviour.
- Ensuring equality and fairness of treatment for all.
- Implementing our policies to reflect inclusivity and fairness in accordance with the Equality Act 2010.
- Offer early intervention support and work with other agencies to ensure the health and safety of our pupils.
To view our Attendance Policy, please click here.
Assessment Policy
Our Assessment policy outlines the purpose, nature and management of assessment at Goldstone Primary School. Assessment complements and assists teaching and learning, plays an integral part in each teacher’s planning and enables the evaluation of current practice as well as pupil achievement. It also ensures a whole school approach to the provision of an excellent education for all children at Goldstone.
We believe that it is the entitlement of every child at Goldstone to be given an education that builds on their strengths, addresses their individual needs and ensures progression. Assessment is an essential tool in the delivery of this entitlement.
The aim of the policy is to give a clear outline of all assessment techniques implemented at Goldstone, to ensure that assessment is used as a tool to inform planning, to track pupil progress and to raise standards.
- Behaviour Policy
At Goldstone Primary School we recognise that behaviours are a response to an internal or external factor. It is crucial that these factors are considered and understood when supporting children with their behaviour responses. We are strongly committed to ensuring every member of the school community feels valued and respected and that each person is treated fairly. We are also committed to creating an environment where excellent behaviour is at the heart of productive learning.
Everyone is expected to maintain the highest standards of personal conduct, to accept responsibility for their behaviour and encourage others to do the same. It echoes our core values with a heavy emphasis on respectful behaviour, a partnership approach to managing negative behaviours and dynamic interventions that support staff and learners. Above all, it aims to promote an environment where everyone feels happy, safe and secure.
The school’s Behaviour Policy outlines the systems and procedures which will enable all members of the school to live and work together in a supportive and positive way. The school recognises good behaviour, as it believes that this will develop an ethos of kindness, co-operation and good citizenship. This policy is designed to promote the behaviour outlined by our school rules, as well as deterring anti-social behaviours.
To view our full Behaviour Policy, please click here.
To view a summary of our Behaviour Policy 'on a page', please click here.
- CCTV Policy
The purpose of this Policy is to regulate the management, operation and use of the closed circuit television (CCTV) system at Goldstone Primary School.
The system comprises a number of cameras located on the school buildings. All cameras are monitored under restricted access from the school office and are only available to nominated Senior Leaders, Administrative staff and site staff.
This Code follows Data Protection Act guidelines. The Code of Practice will be subject to review bi-annually to include consultation as appropriate with interested parties.
The CCTV system is owned by the school.
For more information, please click here.
- Charging & Remissions Policy
- Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy - Are you concerned about a child?
At Goldstone we strive to be a place where pupils, staff, volunteers, families and other visitors will be made welcome and comfortable and where we will treat each other with respect.
We believe that all children and young people have the right to protection from neglect and abuse and that their welfare is of paramount importance.
Goldstone is a place where learning and personal development takes place in a climate of trust and confidence and where we value everyone's unique contribution to our community.To view our Child Protection Policy, please click here.
Link for Front Door for Families
- Complaints Procedure
At Goldstone we want to work with children and their parents and carers to get the best results and the
happiest school days for each child.Sometimes problems arise however and it is important that parents
and carers know who to speak to in order that these problems can be dealt with quickly and effectively.Goldstone teachers are always happy to speak to concerned parents and your child’s teacher will
normally be the first person to speak to in the event of a problem. If that does not resolve the issue or if
you wish to speak to someone other than your child’s teacher in the first instance, then we have created
this complaints policy in the hope that it will assist you and us in communicating effectively to solve any
problems or issues that you want to bring to our attention.For more information on our Complaints Procedure, please click here.
- Curriculum Policy
- Data Protection and Privacy Policies
- Debt Policy
Many schools invoice external organisations or individuals for services or facilities provided. In addition, Goldstone runs its own After School Club, Breakfast Club and Playschemes. It is important to have a procedure to ensure recovery of any debt or outstanding monies owed to the school. Goldstone Primary School is committed to ensuring good practice in this area. “Bad debts”, as defined below, must only be written off in accordance with the financial limits contained in the School’s Scheme of Delegation.
The school welcomes conversations with anyone finding it hard to pay outstanding monies. Please arrange a meeting with the Headteacher as soon as possible if you need to discuss alternative payment arrangements.
- Eco Policy
Goldstone Primary School is committed to educating its pupils about caring for and respecting the environment and developing responsible citizens who are able to make valuable decisions. Our use of the outdoors areas enables all children to connect with their environment in an authentic and meaningful way. The Eco Committee (comprised of 2 representatives from each junior school class) at Goldstone school has a key role in achieving many of our aims. However, we are ambitious that all children understand current environmental issues and feel empowered to be part of positive change. With our commitment to the “Our city, Our World” programme we plan for all stakeholders to subscribe to a sustainable ethos.
- Equalities Policy
- Feedback Policy
- Freedom of Information Policy
To view on our Freedom of information policy please click here.
Goldstone Primary School Privacy Notice relating to our children and parents
For information, please click here
Goldstone Primary School Privacy Notice relating to our school workforce and others
For information, please click here
Goldstone Primary School Freedom of Information Publication Scheme
For information, please click here
- Governors Allowances Policy
- Health and Safety Policy
For information on our Health and Safety Policy, please click here.
- Online Safety and Social Networking Policies
The internet provides a range of social media tools that allow users to interact with one another, for example from rediscovering friends on social networking sites such as Facebook, to keeping up with other people’s lives on Twitter and maintaining pages on internet encyclopaedias such as Wikipedia.
Whilst the widespread availability and use of social networking applications brings opportunities to engage and communicate with audiences in new and exciting ways, it is important to ensure that we balance this not only with our legal responsibilities, to safeguard and protect our children and staff, but also with the need to safeguard the school’s image and reputation.
For more information, please click here to view our Online Safety policy.
For more information, please click here to view our Social Networking policy.
- Medicine Policy
- Procurement
Goldstone Primary School endeavor to reduce the school’s carbon footprint. We will do this by considering environmental aspects, impacts and costs when purchasing products and services.
Our practice will endeavor to ensure that they are less harmful to the environment (land, air and water) and that they are made with less harmful materials when produced, used or consumed. This will include, where possible; buying locally, buying recycled , recyclable and reusing.For more information on this, please click here.
- PSHE and RSE Policy
Our school’s overarching values are to provide children with the skills and support to enable them to become successful learners; confident individuals and responsible citizens.
At Goldstone School, PSHE education is a central part of our curriculum as it enables our pupils to build positive, equal, consensual friendships and relationships and to develop skills to keep themselves and others healthy and safe, for now and in the future.
The PSHE education curriculum supports personal development and behaviour for learning including promoting attributes such as kindness, respect, consent, resilience and self-efficacy.
Our curriculum is ambitious and designed to give all pupils the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in life. It will provide opportunities to embed new knowledge and practice skills that can confidently be used in real life situations on and offline.
For more information on our PSHE & RSE policy, please click here.
- Religious Education Policy
The aim of teaching religious education in our school is to give children opportunities to:
a. develop their knowledge and understanding of the nature of religious beliefs and practices and the importance of these in the lives of believers
b. explore those aspects of human experiences which give rise to spiritual awareness and fundamental issues about beliefs and values. - SEN Policy & SEND Report
At Goldstone Primary School we are proud of our diverse school community and the support we give to children with particular needs and requirements. You can read more about our approach to Special Educational Needs (SEN) here.
If you would like to discuss your child's special educational needs please contact the office to make an appointment with our SENCO Marg Gibbs or another senior member of staff.
For more information on our SEND Information Report, please click here.
- Severe Weather Policy
Please find details of procedures here
- Uniform Guidance
Please find our uniform policy here
- Whistleblowing Policy