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Pupil Premium

Pupil premium is a funding stream, which the government introduced in an attempt to address some of the inequalities suffered by disadvantaged children. The following information is a summary of our Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2024-25 which can be read here.

Goldstone Primary School Pupil Premium Strategy 2024-25

Statement of intent

At Goldstone Primary School, we are determined to ensure that our disadvantaged pupil’s attainment and progress exceeds national average scores. It is the responsibility of all the staff to strive to overcome the impact of socio-economic disadvantage on pupil learning and achievement and improve the outcomes of our pupils. This is an on-going process across the school and implementation is monitored carefully.

Our aspiration is for all pupils to leave Goldstone Primary School with the love of learning and the academic and personal skills that will enable future success. They will be resourceful, independent thinkers with the resilience and confidence to adapt to change and rise to challenges. As members of the school, the local and wider communities, Goldstone pupils will know that they belong, understand their responsibilities, and be prepared for their future challenges.

All staff are responsible for challenging barriers for our pupils and previous attainment is not an anchor for future attainment – “A belief that all can succeed is fundamental to the success of the pupil premium strategy.”  (Blatchford 2020)

Our intention, therefore, is that all pupils, irrespective of their background or the challenges they face, make good progress and achieve high attainment across all subject areas. The focus of our pupil premium and disadvantaged strategy is to support those identified pupils to achieve that goal, including progress for those who are already high attainers.

At Goldstone Primary School our strategy plan takes a holistic whole child approach to supporting pupil outcomes. High-quality teaching is at the heart of our approach, with a focus on areas in which disadvantaged pupils require the most support. This is proven to have the greatest impact on closing the disadvantage attainment gap and at the same time will benefit the non-disadvantaged pupils in our school. Implicit in the intended outcomes detailed below, is the intention that non-disadvantaged pupils’ attainment will be sustained and improved alongside progress for the disadvantaged. Each individual Pupil Premium child has a targeted support package – a tailored programme of support with evidence and case studies to back up their progress and attainment. Our wider strategies support the wellbeing and good mental health of all our pupils, including Pupil Premium and disadvantaged pupils.

We believe that all pupils learn best in class, working alongside their peers and taught by skilled teachers and Teaching Assistants, who are well directed. Occasionally, pupils may be withdrawn from class to participate in small group interventions. Interventions are time bound and informed by class teachers’ knowledge of individual pupils. They are planned to address gaps in learning or boost confidence and improve self-efficacy.


This details the key challenges to achievement that we have identified among our disadvantaged pupils.

Challenge number

Detail of challenge


Academic attainment:

To narrow the gap between attainment of PP pupils and national non-PP pupils.

Assessments, observations and pupil voice indicate underdeveloped oral language skills and vocabulary gaps among many PP pupils. This has been observed across the school, from YR up to Y6 and has been identified as more prevalent in PP than non PP pupils.


Academic attainment:

To address barriers in early first language exposure and language development.

Assessments and observations suggest PP pupils generally have greater difficulty with phonics than their peers. This negatively impacts on their ability as readers.


Family life:

To directly provide support to PP and disadvantaged families to address challenges to learning.

Observations and discussions with our families have identified a range of challenges in their capacity to raise a family in today’s society, often with limited extended family support. These have also identified lower family engagement with learning, including access and engagement with home learning at times impacted by access to technology and educational materials. Discussions have also highlighted increasing pressures on family finances and ability to provide a healthy, balanced diet.


Social, emotional and mental health:

To improve PP and disadvantaged pupils’ skills which support social, emotional and mental health.

Our assessments, observations and discussions with pupils and families have identified social and emotional issues for many pupils, notably due to lack of enrichment opportunities. These challenges particularly affect disadvantaged pupils, including their attainment. In addition, there are also issues around SEND, low self-esteem and family circumstances.

Intended Outcomes

This explains the outcomes we are aiming for by the end of our current strategy plan, and how we will measure whether they have been achieved.

Intended outcome

Success criteria

To narrow the gap between attainment of PP pupils and national non-PP pupils:

Narrowing of attainment gap through accelerated progress of PP pupils over time.

To deliver a diet of vocabulary and conversation that drives early language engagement and transfers into application in phonics and reading and the written word for PP and disadvantaged pupils.


Engage all disadvantaged pupils in high quality dialogue and engagement in daily reading to develop children’s understanding especially in KS2.

Disadvantaged pupils are immersed in an environment built on the power of the spoken, read and written word.

That disadvantaged pupils engage in dialogue with peers and adults on a daily basis, driving the communication and language use.

Disadvantaged pupils are able to articulate how the conversations and language they are exposed to have directed their learning and verbal narrative.

Children’s vocabulary is extended by exposure to a wider variety of texts through daily reading and applied in their writing.

To improve PP and disadvantaged pupil’s softer skill sets which supports and improves social, emotional and mental health.


Create a culture and ethos of success and self-respect; further develop awareness of protective behaviours and safety; application of growth mindset and school values.

Pupil voice and evidence of work from the pupils on softer skills; sunflower room evidence, attendance rates at clubs; social observations of pupils; survey results for wellbeing and growth mindset.

To directly provide support to PP and disadvantaged families to address challenges to learning.


Support to the family to ensure that home and school work collaboratively to address learning and attendance issues at events etc.

Engagement and collaboration between the parents of PP and disadvantaged pupils and the school in addressing challenges to the children’s learning:

  • Behavioural Support
  • Home learning completion
  • Increased attendance with decreased lateness and persistent absence
  • Family support workers
  • Face to face - personalised to families’ needs

To directly provide support to PP and disadvantaged families to address barriers to socio-economic engagement.

Support to the family to ensure that any perceived barriers are mitigated to give the PP and disadvantaged pupil the very best opportunities in life.

Engagement between the parents and the school in addressing challenges to the children’s socio-economic engagement; meetings between Family support workers and families

Increase in uptake of extracurricular enrichment offer.

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