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The curriculum for each year group is carefully planned to meet the needs of all children. Our aim is to ensure that all children are sufficiently challenged whilst ensuring that those children with additional needs have the support and scaffolding in place to succeed. We aim to provide every child with :

  • A broad and balanced education covering all aspects of the national curriculum, as well as important issues such as health, safety, personal and social development and an understanding of their community.
  • The opportunity to develop skills and acquire the understanding which provide a firm foundation for all future learning.
  • An environment that offers equal opportunities for all, regardless of gender, race, social background or physical difficulty and encourages children to develop self-confidence.
  • Positive learning experiences

"Your curriculum is exciting... Your commitment to a creative curriculum is at the heart of all you do" Ofsted January 2018

Curriculum Overview

EYFS (Reception and Little Owls Nursery) Curriculum Overview

Please view the documents below, for the seasonal curriculum overviews for Reception and Nursery pupils.

KS1 (Year 1 & Year 2) Curriculum Overview

Please view the documents below, for the seasonal curriculum overviews for Year 1 and Year 2 pupils.

LKS2 (Year 3 & Year 4) Curriculum Overview

Please view the documents below, for the seasonal curriculum overviews for Year 3 and Year 4 pupils.

UKS2 (Year 5 & 6) Curriculum Overview

Please view the documents below, for the seasonal curriculum overviews for Year 5 and Year 6 pupils.

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