Welcome to Goldstone Primary School
Welcome to Goldstone Primary School. We believe in making school a happy, positive place for children and their families. We are committed to providing a broad and balanced education in a safe, inclusive and supportive environment. We teach our children positive life skills and we encourage them to become confident, resilient, creative thinkers who are ready for our fast-paced changing world.
Important links
Click to read our Headteacher's welcome.
Visit our Calendar page for a full schedule of events.
Visit our weekly Newsletters and half-termly Goldstone Gazettes to find out more about our children's latest adventures!
To keep up-to-date with all our sports news, please see our Sports page.
Our Contact page has our address and contact details.
Please browse around the rest of the site using the main navigation as there's lots of useful information to be found!
Paper copies of information on our school website will be provided free of charge, on request.
Sussex Coast TSA
Goldstone is a member of the Sussex Coast Teaching School Alliance (SCTSA). Sussex Coast TSA will take a lead role in helping schools across the city and beyond to develop and improve. In particular, working with schools to develop leadership, train new teachers and drive up standards. For more information please visit the TSA website: