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Here at Goldstone Primary School we aim for children to become confident and fluent mathematicians.  We understand that this happens if we teach maths based on a deep understanding of mathematical concepts rather than an approach which simply helps them towards correct answers.

Our ultimate goal is to enable our children to solve unfamiliar problems in a wide variety of contexts.  In addition to this, we want to ensure that they have the knowledge to succeed at the next stage of their education, as well as successfully participate as an active global citizen within the world in which they live.

To do this we recognise that children need to acquire fluency in procedures to become confident mathematicians and to be able to apply these skills to more complex, varied problems. We also encourage children to develop their conceptual understanding allowing them to make connections, draw comparisons and make explicit links between different mathematical representations. Finally, we look to embed mathematical language and communication and provide opportunities for children to use subject specific vocabulary in an accurate and articulate way in order to explain and reason effectively.

Useful downloads and links

Download our 'Progression in Calculation' document (to see the way we progress toward teaching the children to use and understand the standard methods of calculation).

Download our ‘How to help your children with Maths at Goldstone' booklet.

Download our 'Parent guide to practising times tables at home' booklet.

Download our 'Times tables parent workshop' information here.

To play Numbots - for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children, click here

To play Times Tables Rock Stars - for Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 children, click here

For lots more games to help practice times tables, click here

To practice a range of number facts against the clock, click here

To have a go at multi-player games that develop problem solving and strategic thinking, click here

White Rose Maths

Since 2018-19, Goldstone Primary School has adopted the ‘White Rose Maths’ schemes of learning from Reception to Year 6.  This allows teachers to teach key concepts over longer periods of time, with the aim of embedding fundamental understanding before moving on to the next unit of work.  In order for pupils to be able to master the taught content, multiple opportunities for reasoning, problem solving and intelligent practice are provided for children to engage with.  Development of higher level thinking skills, through deeper, open-ended problems also enables rapid-grasping pupils to develop mastery with greater depth.

Blocks of learning

For each year group, the scheme of learning includes an overview of the maths that your child should be learning at any point in the year. Each year is split into the three terms (autumn, spring and summer), and each term comprises individual blocks of learning about a particular topic. Many of these blocks have a particular focus on building and developing number skills.  These include: place value; the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) and fractions (moving on to decimals and percentages in Key Stage 2). These important core skills lay solid foundations for more complicated learning later on and provide children with the fundamental understanding and confidence in maths, in preparation for transition to Secondary school and beyond.

For further information please see below:

For our EYFS overview click here

For our Y1 overview click here

For our Y2 overview click here

For our Y3 overview click here

For our Y4 overview click here

For our Y5 overview click here

For our Y6 overview click here

To see an overview of our progression in Maths click here

End of year TT Rockstars 'Battle of the Bands'

Our most recent Ofsted report (July 2023) stated that "..in mathematics, there has been a successful focus on developing pupils' knowledge of the times tables."

Much of this success has been a result of the high levels of engagement with TT Rockstars across all our KS2 classes.

To celebrate our first year as a TT Rockstars school, we held a 'Battle of the bands' at the end of summer term.  It was a very competitive event throughout but after four very hard fought rounds, a year 3 class - 3L - managed to be victrious with an incredible average score of 1,058 correct answers per child.  Members of the class were also awarded a brand new trophy in assembly. 

We hope to make this battle a annual event so we're sure this won't be the last chance for classes to work together on their times tables skills!


'Maths Through Stories' Day

On Thursday 23rd March 2023 we held our first ever ‘Maths Through Stories’ Day.  Every child in the school – from our youngest children in Little Owls, all the way to our oldest in Year 6 – started the day by listening to the story ‘365 Penguins’.  They then had the opportunity to put their problem solving skills to the test in a range of challenges that included designing their own penguin using 2-d shapes, measuring penguin footprints using non-standard units (such as multi-link cubes) and finding a variety of ways to arrange a group of penguins using a different shapes.  This last challenge in particular had children all across the school really flexing their mental muscles!

Y6 Enterprise Week

As part of the end of year 'Maths Futures' project which includes learning and applying 'real life' maths skills, our Year 6 children became budding entrepreneurs over three successful days of trading. Teams worked hard to create business plans, and implemented their sales prowess with a range of delicious goodies; a particular favourite was the homemade raspberry lemonade, but word on the street also sang high praise for the fruit kebabs and the homemade chocolate brownies. Thanks to all their hard work, the many customers - including children, families and staff - were really were spoilt for choice!

Y5 enter the 'Money Zone'

This year, our Y5 children also had the opportunity to learn about 'real life' maths skills through our links with Metro Bank who provided us with free guidance and resources linked to the themes of banking, budgeting and saving. The children very much enjoyed learning about some of these very 'grown-up' responsibilities as well as receiving a 'goodie bag' once they have completed their series of lessons!

Numeracy Heroes Competition

When you grow up, how will you use numbers in your life? Maybe you would love to do a cool job like a vet, teacher, engineer or footballer? Or do you dream of spending your days dancing, baking or saving the planet? Create a picture of you doing your dream job or hobby and tell us how it uses numbers. Let your imagination run wild and win a fantastic prize for yourself and a prize bundle for your nursery, school, or community/youth group.

For further information see links below:



If your child wishes to enter the competition please return the completed entry sheet (which is attached) to your child's class teacher by Thursday 25th May. Please ensure your child's details are completed at the top of the form including their first name and last initial. We will upload all entries on your behalf. GOOD LUCK!

See below for some of our fantastic winning entries...

Chess at Goldstone

At Goldstone we are very keen to develop our children's problem solving skills through additional opportunities to play strategy games as part of our maths provision as well as a weekly dedicated chess lesson for our Year 4 children.  We are very fortunate to have Mr Wallace, our resident 'Chessmaster', join us for these specialist lessons.  In addition to this, Mr Wallace runs a weekly Chess Club after school, where our Y4, Y5 and Y6 children have an opportunity to finely tune their skills and strategies!

To play chess online, click here.

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