Welcome to the Goldstone Governor Page
Welcome to the Goldstone Primary School Governing Body page.
The Board of Governors has a vital role in the life of the school. We act as a "critical friend" to the headteacher, supporting his work whilst holding him to account for the performance of the school and its pupils. The Board of Governors also reviews the way that the school finances are spent and how the national curriculum is implemented in the school. This is done by holding regular meetings, reviewing performance and financial data and by visiting the school and speaking with teachers and other members of staff.
Our Governing Body is made up of Parent Governors, local community members and members of staff. We regularly review the skills held by our members and individual Governors undertake training to support the school to the best of our abilities.
We are very proud of the school and of the hard work that both the staff and pupils contribute; we are extremely proud of the happy and supportive environment that Goldstone provides to its pupils and the wonderful community that is Goldstone Primary School.
The full governing body meets approximately once every half term, usually on Monday afternoons. The HR & Finance and Premises committees meet once every term.
The minutes of our meetings are listed below. Confidential matters are always removed from the meeting minutes.
If you have any questions about the work of the Board of Governors or would like to find out more about becoming a Governor, please contact the Clerk Emma Lynn or Jeremy Kempton, Chair of the Governors.

Committee meetings
Some functions are delegated to committees. Goldstone has one additional committees: 'Human Resources, Finance and Premises' (HR, F & P)