Welcome from the Headteacher, Anne Gibbs

Hello, I am very pleased to welcome you to our website. We hope that our site gives you an idea of what our school values are and what life is like for a child at Goldstone Primary School.
Time at primary school should be special time a time of discovery and wonder, when we form friendships and ways of being. It is a time when children can be stimulated and helped to become rounded, interested and interesting people. The experiences children have at primary school form some of the foundations for the people they will become.
At Goldstone, we want to give children as many opportunities as possible to find the things which interest them, things which fire their imagination and things which make them say ‘wow!’ We value the full national curriculum and our SATs results over the past five years stand in comparison with any local school. We make our learning and teaching as immersive as possible and we are proud of this.
We are also very proud of the high level of ‘other’ activities we provide and the levels we get to; we are recipients of the National School Chess award, we are an Arts Mark Gold School, we have a choir, an orchestra (currently all of our children get the chance to learn at least two instruments) and we have successful sports teams which have won many trophies. We try to encourage children ‘to have a go’ whether it be scuba diving, fencing, being part of our Goblin electric cars team, producing programmes for our school TV channel, growing food in our ‘living classroom’ allotment, attending the forest school or one of the other many opportunities we provide. The children are the school and are at the centre of what we do.
At Goldstone, we want to be a community where together the children, their families and carers, the staff and the local community create something of which we can all be proud. We do work in the locality, such as our choir’s annual Christmas tour of local sheltered housing, lunch clubs and the Martlets, which brings happiness and fun to the wider community. Our PTA (the FrOGS, Friends of Goldstone School) are fantastic and they support the school in many ways and provide us with lots of fun as well as much needed cash.
We are very proud of Goldstone and we think it’s a good place for our children to learn and develop but we are always looking to improve. The Parents’ Forum is a place for parents and carers to ask questions or make suggestions. If you can’t make it to the forum, send us an email or make use of our open door policy. Goldstone is a community where we all are welcome and listened to.
When children leave Goldstone we want them to be sad to be leaving but excited about what lies ahead.
What do our parents think?
As part of our most recent Ofsted in July 2023, parents and carers were invited to complete a survey about their experience of the school. An astounding 300 parents/carers filled in the form and 99% of those said that they would recommend the school;
My daughter settled into Reception so quickly – she has made new friends and absolutely adores her teacher. I love being able to go into the classroom every Friday morning for family reading and then staying for the assembly to hear a song they have practised that week. Reception Year parent
My son’s love for school seems to grow every day. The staff go that extra mile to make the lessons so engaging and he is always buzzing with something exciting that happened that day. Last week he started term with a full ‘Ancient Greek themed day’ – he debated in the forum and made a shield all whilst wearing his homemade Ancient Greek outfit. Year 3 parent:
What makes Goldstone special are all the extra clubs or extra activities the children are offered as well as a great education. Over the last few years, my daughter has been a part of ukulele club, hockey club, fencing club and Outdoors Project. She has been on an overnight 'Big Camp' on the school site as well has trips every term to places like a local wildlife centre, Buster Ancient Farm and Preston Manor. This on top of all the FrOGS events like the Halloween disco, Summer Fair, film clubs - it all adds up and makes the school a great place for my daughter to be. Year 5 parent
What does Ofsted think?
Ofsted last inspected Goldstone in July 2023 and continue to give us a 'good school' rating. We are very proud of many aspects of the written report including the following:
What is it like to attend this school?
Pupils thrive at this friendly school. They are happy, active and excited to learn....The school is a hive of purposeful activity. This helps all pupils to feel included and experience success....A strong sense of community pervades all aspects of school life. Right from the start in early years, families feel welcomed and involved. Pupils engage confidently with the wide range of additional opportunities available to them.
What does the school do well?
Leaders have put in place a broad and ambitious curriculum...leaders identify precisely the important knowledge that pupils should learn...The curriclum has been carefully designed to engage and interest all pupils...Pupils behave well...Relationships are warm throughout and this supports learning effectively...Pupil's personal development is well considered. Leader's have ensured that the well-structured personal, social and health curriculum responds to pupil's changing needs...
Please see our full report here.