All parents, governors and interested members of our community are considered Friends of Goldstone School (FrOGS) and are encouraged to join in with the social and fund raising activities organised by our dedicated and multi-talented PTA committee!
The PTA raises on average £10,000 each year and has provided the school with a climbing wall, computers, picnic benches, wooden gazebo, books, audio visual equipment, music and PE equipment and stage equipment. We also pay for the school minibus and most recently have employed the schools gardener, Ruth, two whole days a week to improve and maintain the school gardens. The money raised is therefore instrumental in embellishing the quality of school life for Goldstone's pupils, and it's value really cannot be underestimated.
Whilst FrOGS is a fundraising charity, it's other focus is to provide cheap, inclusive, fun events for the children and parents/carers of the school.
Events include:
- Discos - with the Halloween disco proving a great hit with the children who love an excuse to dress up!
- Christmas and Summer Fairs - including the famous chocolate and bottle tombolas.
- Film Clubs - with popcorn made freshly onsite using our school popcorn stand
- Pre-loved Uniform Sales - a popular way to pick up school uniform for less, whilst doing your bit for the environment
- Quiz and Bingo evenings - hosted by school staff; these are an adults only riotous night of fun!
- Silent Auctions - with fabulous prizes donated by local people and businesses.
Now more than ever, we are looking for new parents, carers and teaching staff to join our band of 'FrOGS'. We hold regular meet-ups and meetings if you are able to commit a few hours per month, but we also welcome any help that can be provided remotely, or just an extra pair of hands to help at one of our events.
Therefore please email us at frogsptagroup@gmail.com for more information and to join our happy team!
FrOGS have also created a website where you can see more information about upcoming events, meeting minutes and how the FrOGS have spent the money raised.
Please have a look at frogspta.wordpress.com
Registered charity
RCN: 1033153
FrOGS Pantry
The FrOGS Pantry is located by the KS1 entry, and is open for everyone at the start and end of each day, Monday to Friday in term time. It stocks uniform, shoes and coats as well as food and other household essentials.
We run on the premise, ‘Take what you need, give what you can’. Should you wish to donate, you can leave your donations in bags in the Pantry. We request only food, household products and good quality uniform, coats and shoes.
In order to manage donations and keep the space accessible, we are sending out a request for help; Are you able to give 20-30 minutes once a week after morning drop off to manage donations and keep The Pantry stocked? If so, please email the FrOGS directly to let them know of your availability: frogsptagroup@gmail.com
The FrOGS will also be holding a uniform sale in the near future, date and time to be advised. There is no charge, but should you wish to leave a donation, there will be a tub for cash as well as someone on hand with a card reader for those who prefer to do so electronically.